Does Sealing Windows Really Save You Money?

Do window insulation kits really live up to their promises of energy savings? According to Energy Star, the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) government program, the answer is a resounding yes. Depending on where you live, sealing up any leaks in your home can reduce your utility bills by up to 20%.To get the most out of window insulation kits, it's important to wrap the plastic covers in a retractable way. This can be done by using a heat source such as a hair dryer while installing the film. Studies have shown that plastic in old windows can save about 30% in heating costs during the winter months.

Plastic in summer can help a little, but weatherstripping increases the effect of plastic in winter and allows windows to be opened in summer. The main purpose of window plastic is to prevent drafts from outside entering the house and to keep warm and cold air inside. If there are drafts in a window due to damaged or worn out sealant, caulking again can save energy and reduce the utility bill. In addition to using window insulation kits, there are other ways to save energy and money. Installing double-paned windows is one way to reduce energy costs. Double-paned windows are more expensive than single-paned windows, but they are more efficient at keeping heat in during winter and keeping cool air in during summer.

Additionally, installing storm windows or replacing old windows with new ones can also help reduce energy costs. Finally, it's important to remember that sealing windows is only one part of an overall energy-saving strategy. Other measures such as proper insulation, weatherstripping, and caulking can also help reduce energy costs. By taking all of these steps together, you can make sure that your home is as energy-efficient as possible.

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