How Much Air is Lost Through Leaks and Holes in Your Duct System?

It's estimated that in a typical home, up to 30% of the air that passes through the duct system is lost due to leaks, holes, and poorly connected ducts. This leads to higher utility bills and difficulty keeping the house comfortable, no matter how the thermostat is set. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) confirms that in the average home, around 20% of air that goes through ducts is lost due to these issues, reducing system efficiency and increasing monthly energy costs. Having your ducts sealed could save you hundreds of dollars. This is especially important when inspecting air conditioning ducts for leaks, or anywhere else where air ducts meet plasterboard.

There are several ways to reduce leaks in ducts and lower energy bills, from professional tests to proper sealing and regular maintenance. The main causes of pipeline leaks include inadequate insulation, inadequate sealing, improper installation, or simply wear and tear caused by time. If you have a large air leak coming from an air duct vent, it may be a good idea to test your air ducts for leaks.

How Can You Reduce Air Loss Through Ducts?

The first step in reducing air loss through your duct system is to identify any existing leaks. Professional testing can help you pinpoint any areas where air is escaping. Once you know where the leaks are located, you can take steps to seal them.

Sealing your ducts with mastic sealant or metal tape can help reduce air loss and improve energy efficiency. In addition to sealing existing leaks, you should also make sure that your ducts are properly insulated. Insulation helps keep the air inside the ducts from escaping into the walls or attic. Proper insulation also helps keep the temperature inside the ducts consistent, which can help reduce energy costs. Finally, regular maintenance of your duct system can help reduce air loss. This includes checking for any signs of wear and tear on the ducts and making sure that all connections are secure.

If you notice any signs of damage or wear, it's important to have them repaired as soon as possible.


Air loss through your duct system can lead to higher energy bills and difficulty keeping your home comfortable. By identifying and sealing any existing leaks, properly insulating your ducts, and performing regular maintenance, you can reduce air loss and save money on your energy bills.

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